Mortar Bullet coloured

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Mortar Bullet coloured

Post by nineinchnails »

Hi Guys,

is it possible to put the mortar bullet back to normal colours? Since the server crash it's red or blue, therefore it's easy to spot and avoid them for enemies.
In my opinion mortar is a nice weapon for players who has not pimped out their cfg with all tricks to get ingame benefits or players with drawbacks caused in a weak connection. With uncoloured mortar bullets we had a opportunity to tease this kind of players and it always worked out fine :-)

nine :)
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Re: Mortar Bullet coloured

Post by c0rnn »

This was added for exactly that reason - to nerf the mortar, an otherwise overpowered weapon. Making it easier to spot makes it more fair for everyone if you ask me.
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Re: Mortar Bullet coloured

Post by nineinchnails »

I would rather say, it makes the mortar weapon useless.

As I said, it's a nice opportunity for players with drawbacks caused in a weak connection or a standard cfg without distance toggle, highlight enemies with colors etc. Spawn protection and other safe areas where can't be shot should be enough protection?
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Re: Mortar Bullet coloured

Post by c0rnn »

Most highest spree records being from mortar players suggests the mortar is not useless, doesn't it? If you ask me, I'd nerf it even more: limit the soldier class to 0 in goldrush (setl b_levels_soldier "-1"). Goldrush is probably the map where the mortar is the most overpowered and not nerfed enough.
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Re: Mortar Bullet coloured

Post by nineinchnails »

I think spree record from mortar players is not a good argument.
The record does not depend on many kills, it depends on not to die for the whole map because you are located in a more or less safe area.
I think the most kills in a map belongs to other players, not the mortar guy.

If you do not like mortar, you can delete it completely from the weapon pool. That would be consistent, but to make it unattractive and useless is in a result the same without integrity. I think it's part of the game and we should accept it without try to make it even more and more unattractive, If you compare it to standard-et it's already very downgraded. In Goldrush you can fire 2 shots and then you have to wait until you can shoot again. For the first level you need 7 kills, without getting spawntime from enemys through swichting to spectator (which do most) it's lasts very long...
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Re: Mortar Bullet coloured

Post by c0rnn »

nineinchnails wrote:
Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:19 am
I think spree record from mortar players is not a good argument.
I disagree, it's a valid argument. If the mortar would be "useless" as you claim, mortar players wouldn't be getting that many kills because people would avoid the now visible mortar shots. Obviously the mortar is still very effective, yet it makes it fair for the opposite team players as well - something previously not possible, as it was a very overpowered and unbalanced weapon.
nineinchnails wrote:
Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:19 am
If you do not like mortar, you can delete it completely from the weapon pool.
I do not like the mortar, but I don't want it removed completely either, I just want it to be more fun and fair for everyone, not just the mortarguy.
nineinchnails wrote:
Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:19 am
In Goldrush you can fire 2 shots and then you have to wait until you can shoot again.
Yes, you wait ~30 seconds until the Axis spawn again and then you can get multi and mega (almost)spawnkills again, especially after you have level 1 soldier. That's why I think it's not nerfed enough on goldrush and the skill should be limited to 0 there. If it's limited to 0, then the soldierchargetime can probably even be decreased to default 30000 without problems.

Re: Mortar Bullet coloured

Post by mETLA »

The mortar makes the game very static and some maps completely unplayable imo. The nerf with colored bullets was very much needed.

Battery, allies attacking:
- main ramp is guarded by a fieldops, a lot of medics, sometimes a panzer
- back path is guarded by the mortar and an engi with rifle/mines
-> no chance for allies to even get near the gun controls and the map becomes a 25 minute long spawnrape

Goldrush, axis defending
- 1st spawn exit gets camped by a rifle or mg from the 1st truck barrier
- 2nd exit gets camped by panzer or fops firing from the bridge
- all 3 exits get bombarded rotationally by the mortar
-> axis can barely leave the spawn and allies are camping on the bridge and in the yard behind the 2nd tank barrier because all the spam from their team is holding them back from getting to the gold

Those situations happen quite often and make those 2 maps pretty much unplayable, even with the colored bullets. On the other maps it doesn't matter that much.

Besides I have a question to the mortar players (they might sound a bit harsh, but I'm actually curious about it):
nineinchnails wrote:
Thu Sep 13, 2018 9:19 am
I think it's part of the game and we should accept it without try to make it even more and more unattractive, If you compare it to standard-et it's already very downgraded.
ETPro is a mod, which was specifically designed for competitive gameplay meaning a mixture of skill and objective-based gaming. Of course this is a public server, so in the first place it is about having fun, but the way i see it, the majority of people who play on etpro started to play that mod because they get most of their fun from competitive gameplay. I personally started with jaymod and as I got better over time I wanted to compete with other players of my skill and found etpro, which was a lot more fun to me, because there was more shooting, more skill, more focussing on the objective and much less spam of arty, rifles, mines and heavy weapons. But on some days when I'm not feeling like focussing on my game and playing competitively and just want to fool around a bit, I still play on other mods, like jaymod or noquarter, sometimes even with panzer or mortar, but I don't (or extremely rarely) play those weapons on etpro, because I know how much many (maybe most) etpro players are annoyed and frustrated by those weapons. Also it would just be too boring for me to sit in the same place for the whole map and just click the left mouse button twice every 30 secs.
So the question is, why did you actually start playing etpro if not for the competitive gameplay? (Again I'm not trying to sound harsh or tell you to play somewhere else, I'm just actually wondering)

Liquid Sn.
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Re: Mortar Bullet coloured

Post by Liquid Sn. »

Mortar trail and increasing recharge time was the best thing which happened to this weapon in my opinion. Of course could be even better with even less power. And btw trail doesn't make mortar useless. Only obvious straight shots are easily spotted, the rest is almost the same(when it doesn't come directly from the sky)
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Re: Mortar Bullet coloured

Post by Harlekin »

I just added the trail, as I hoped to make the mortar a bit more visible. With 2 mortar rounds it is still possible to get both lower spawn exits covered.
After now weeks with the trail I don't noticed much changes except that the mortar is now easier to locate.

Mortar is part of the game, but the way et is played changed and server settings needs to be sometimes adjusted .

I love mortar as it can help winning a map, but also can spoil a map. With current settings a mortar newbie might be useless with this weapon, the others will deal with it and use their reduced mortar rounds powerful.
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