ETPro to ETLegacy Player Config Converter & Config Sorter
- The converter will produce 2 config files (filename_converted.cfg and filename_deleted.cfg). filename_converted.cfg will be sorted by cvar categories (binds, cg_, cl_, r_, etc.).
Put the converted config in the following location(s):
- Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\ETLegacy\etmain (or legacy folder)
- Linux: /home/USERNAME/.etlegacy/etmain (or legacy folder)
- macOS: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/etlegacy/etmain (or legacy folder)
- Any comments you had will be removed (except if a new line started with a comment, then it will be moved to filename_deleted.cfg).
- Any server cvars (sv_, g_) or ETPro b_ cvars without equivalent ETLegacy cvars will be deleted and moved to filename_deleted.cfg.
- The FOV is different in ETLegacy if you use a 16:9 aspect ratio. FOV 90 in ETPro equals 75 in ETLegacy, other values can be calculated with this formula. FOV stays the same if you use a 4:3 aspect ratio. The converter changes it for you automatically.
- ETLegacy has some new commands or cvar behaviours such as:
- cg_drawGun 2 will hide pistol/SMG but not other weapons - you don't have to tinker with custom per-weapon binds any more
- com_maxfps 250 (or even 500) can be freely used as the framerate-dependent physics have been (somewhat) fixed and as such this converter forces it to 250
- /dropobj to drop an objective
- /toggleRecord instead of /autorecord & /stoprecord
- /resetTimer to automatically set up enemy respawn time (no need to mess with seconds), /sharetimer to share it (cg_sharetimerText, e.g. seta cg_sharetimerText "^7Enemy spawns every ^1${enemylimbotime} ^7seconds, next at ^1${nextspawn}")
- cg_drawSpawnpoints to visualize spawnpoint names and numbers during warmup (/listspawnpt) with minor/specific spawns being available in some maps (e.g. /setspawnpt 1 4). Note that some spawnpoints also differ between ETPro and ETLegacy - see here for some common ones
- cg_visualEffects as a substitute for cg_wolfparticles which got removed. Unlike cg_wolfparticles, this cvar does not remove explosions (you can't disable them in ETL)
- cg_bloodPuff to toggle blood puff effect when players are shot
- in_mouse 1 is already raw input in ETLegacy, you don't need to use RInput or any other external tool. On that note, you can minimize with Alt+Tab, you don't need an external tool like Q3E Minimizer or etmin either
- cg_muzzleFlash 2 disables muzzle flash for you in first person, but enables it for enemies
Please modify/remove any existing binds you have with these in mind.
- Any vstr binds you had will be deleted and moved to filename_deleted.cfg. Please recreate them. If you have a FOV changing bind, you can use this formula to convert the sensitivity and keep the same feeling between different FOVs.
- If you had any /team binds such as e.g. /team r 0 35 to select Axis Soldier with Mortar, you will need to update the weapon indices with different ones (not all). Axis Mortar is 51 now for example.
- Some cvars such as cg_drawFPS, cg_drawTime, cg_lagometer, etc., have been removed as cvars and are only accessible via the HUD editor (/edithud). See here for more information and to see and download HUDs shared by others.
- The crosshair can be modified via the HUD editor or via cvars. If you use cvars, use cg_useCvarCrosshair 1, if you use the HUD editor, set it to 0.
- Some cvars have increased the maximum allowed values, so this converter forces the following: cl_maxpackets 125, rate 90000, snaps 40.
- If you experience any sound latency/delay when shooting, try if s_sdlDevSamps 512, 256, 128 or 64 with s_kHz 44 (and /snd_restart) helps.
- If you experience any FPS drops/stuttering, try r_ext_multisample 0.
- If you had single quotes (') in your name, the converter will remove them. Please re-add them.
To copy over your ETKey from ETPro, the location of it is either:
- Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain
- C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\ET\etmain
- /home/USERNAME/.etwolf/etmain
Put it in the above mentioned Windows, Linux or macOS etmain folder. Copying your existing ETKey is recommended as they are more secure than ETLegacy generated ETKeys.