crux abusing !pass

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Monty on the Run
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crux abusing !pass

Post by Monty on the Run »

Player crux is elected as "puppet admin" and is supposed to keep the peace and fairness on server with his daily loitering.

And to that end you would expect him to:
1) move players who are AFK to spec so that teams stays even
2) !warn players when he sees them teamkilling
3) ask players to remain calm (or even give them a temp mute) when words get too heated

However, crux now ignores these 3 key duties completely.
It's a complete 180 turn from how he refereed the server 2 years ago.

Nowadays, the only ref command that crux cares about using is the !pass command.

So let's talk about that for a minute:
Whenever you're up against crux on server, you have to add 3 minutes to the clock.
That is the amount of time you can vote to extend the timelimit.
And crux will !pass that vote every time (as long as it's his team losing and they need more time).
I haven't seen a more shameless and pathetic use of ref commands since VELTINS was allowed to ref the [fP] server.

Just who does crux think he is?
We like this server for its competitiveness.
Wins and losses actually matters to some.
But here you have crux with his own stopwatch making up his own rules.

Before any of you dare claim that Monty is overexagerating:
Have a look in the chatlogs and see just how many times crux writes !pass in one week.
He does it several times a day.
I wouldn't be surprised if he writes !pass more often than all other refs combined.
All so that he can get an extra 3 minutes on the clock for his team.

The final straw for me came tonight:
We were playing Radargate, and my axi team were in complete control against crux's allied team.
At the end of the demo you see allies running out of time.
The vote then comes in to extend time with 3 minutes.
The last I saw the vote was 9-8 in favour of not extending the timelimit.
But crux just can't help himself. He does !pass.
This was the second or third time he abused this command the same night.
3 minutes gets added and crux's allied team miraculously wins.
I am sure crux was chuckling like a little girl when he got that victory.

The vote system is there to promote democracy.
Players who give their sweat and tears to this server are supposed to have their voice heard.
If the majority of players don't want to extend a round with 3 minutes, then that has to be respected.
This crux has been getting away with this meniacal behaviour for far too long.
It needs to end now.

I propose the following changes:

1. The !pass command gets removed completely. As I showed you with [!!!]Pun!* last week, there is the temptation to use this command in order to be abusive.
2. The !pass command gets removed from crux's repetoire. Just as there are some players on server who are not allowed to call mute & kick votes, there should be some refs who are not allowed to pass votes.
3. If you're going to insist on allowing crux to !pass then at least make it transparent that he does so. Most of the time this little trick of his flies under the radar (you have to check the chat to see that crux did indeed write !pass). Make a big announcer that says "[player] extended the timelimit for the [x] time in the last 24 hours, maybe try not to go overboard with it?"
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Re: crux abusing !pass

Post by c0rnn »

In the screenshots I see most players voting Yes...

Also I didn't know DasBoot was in fP.
Monty on the Run
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Re: crux abusing !pass

Post by Monty on the Run »

c0rnn wrote:
Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:28 am
In the screenshots I see most players voting Yes...
You know as well as I do that for a vote to pass it takes the majority of players voting "Yes" and not just some. In the screenshots I showed you so far, it is crux's team voting "Yes" and the opposite team voting "No", or ignoring the vote. Ignoring the vote means the "Yes" camp will not get their vote over the line (most of the time).

Basically, the vote to extend time has no chance of passing unless BOTH teams agree that this is a fun round and they'd like to play it for 3 minutes more. Except the rounds aren't fun - crux's teams get annihilated and have little to no chance of winning (as shown in the above demo), but still the little schemer decides that HE is going to dictate (on behalf of all other players on the battlefield) that the right thing to do is extend 3 minutes. This is an ego problem with crux, unfortunately.

Here is a screenshot from 11 days ago that is a bit more clear:


What we see here are the reactions from 3 players to crux doing !pass:

me nab u long time: "lol"
me name u long time: "@"
me nab u long time: "crux"
me nab u long time: "added time"
me nab u long time: "crux majic"
Bongoo!!!: "1/2 ? PASS ?"
Angek: "O_o"
Angek: "what magic was that"

The vote was indeed 1 "Yes" and 2 "No", as player Bongoo!!! pointed out. So crux was doing !pass on a vote that had just been active a few seconds, and that showed no indication of yielding the result crux wanted. A more clear example of crux abusing this command you are not likely to find. The sad part is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more shameful instances like these, and again I implore you to check the chatlogs and count just how many times crux writes "!pass".

The conduct of crux is a gross neglect of professional duty and a clear and knowing violation of generally accepted standards of integrity.
c0rnn wrote:
Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:28 am
Also I didn't know DasBoot was in fP.
You were the one who took the most keen interest in my blogpost, so I assumed you had memorized this. He was given ref privileges for donating (standard procedure back then), but they quickly took away those privileges (and perm-banned him from their community) when they learned that he had the moral compass of a pirate. 

If there's anything positive to come out of his almost 20 year ET career, it's that communities like this one (and others) have wised up and stopped giving out ref priviledges & protections just because someone is waving their wallet at them. That will be his lasting legacy to ET.
Posts: 525
Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:44 am

Re: crux abusing !pass

Post by c0rnn »

Crux stop abusing !pass. There, message sent & received.